Slush vs Antpool..and some random noob stuff

Hey all,

Im a rookie miner; got my first Antminer S3 on eBay about 2 weeks ago and since then I have acquires 3 more S3's and two S3+'s.

Power in my area is $0.10/kWh for first 300 KWh and drops to ~ $0.055 for the next 700KWh, and anything after that is ~$0.044 per KWh. I live about 20 miles from a bunch of wind power generators.

Running the six miners and a box fan 24/7 will cost ~$80 per month so I expect to make a profit, not to mention the heat the miners generate will offset some of the heat cost this fall/winter, but it's a fun hobby nonetheless… I digress..

My main question/comment is I noticed running the miners on antpool would yeild about 0.017 BTC per day, but the total hash rate on antpool averaged about 1.6 TH/s. I couldn't get my miners to maintain a hash rate of 400 GH/s for any sustainable amount of time. It was also common for a miner to drop to ~50 GH/s and rise to above 600 GH/s within a half hour. It was like this for all of the miners.

After 5 or so days of this I switched to slush pool and I am getting a steady rate around 2.5 TH/s.

Any insight into this? I searched around and couldn't find any definitive answers other than people recommending not to mine in pools based in China. This is just kind of a ramble, but any comments or constructive criticism would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Submitted October 04, 2015 at 09:38AM by Dabblin
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