Signatura: digital signature platform using the Bitcoin blockchain

Hi, today we are launching the public beta of Signatura. It allows multiple parties to jointly sign documents, legally binding and notarizing them in such a way that no one can repudiate it’s date, content or signatures.

It works by creating a “multisig” address from all selected public keys, and blockchain-recording document hash and identity data with it. This way, we can provide features not available on traditional document signing platforms. You can find more details on our blog post.

If you are part of this community and regularly need to sign contracts, we want Signatura to meet your needs. Let us know about any possible feature you may deem necessary. Thanks!


  • No risk from third parties: neither for timestamping (legal edge), nor for storing signatures (they will keep being valid and verifiable if the service is offline or discontinued).
  • Define signing requirements (quorums, deadlines) that are not just software logic, but blockchain-enforced rules, making them secure and reliable.
  • Document content is encrypted and never exposed, not even to Signatura.
  • All encryption and signing is handled in your browser (client-side).
  • Self-signing allows it to be used as an enhanced blockchain notary tool that guarantees not only date and integrity like most existing tools, but also your authorship (everything is blockchain-recorded using your own address, not ours).

On our roadmap:

  • Use CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY (CLTV) to set optional deadlines for signing.
  • Physical security tokens support.
  • Incorporate more optional identity validations, including currently working certificate authorities (CAs).
  • API public launch.
  • RSA certificates support using Rootstock RSA opcodes.
  • Enhance privacy using Schnorr signatures.

Submitted October 12, 2016 at 02:46AM by drapetomano
via reddit