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January 9, 2016

Bitcoin ATM installed at Sleep Train Arena (Home of Sacramento Kings)

Bitcoin ATM installed at Sleep Train Arena (Home of Sacramento Kings)

Submitted January 09, 2016 at 09:58AM by ajsingh007
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Chinese btc forum posts on currently debated topics curated & translated

Chinese btc forum posts on currently debated topics curated & translated

Would this interest you?

I'd take a topic of debate, say SegWit, get an overview of arguments on the main Chinese btc forums and translate a representative selection for a daily or twice daily blog.

It's quite a time-consuming prospect though, so I'm checking first – would anyone be interested?

Edit: The title should have had a question mark or something, sorry if you were expecting it done.

Edit 2: Thanks upvoters, only need a small audience to make it worthwhile, OP will deliver:)

Submitted January 10, 2016 at 06:49AM by damianoloan
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Is Bitcoin Happening? – TechCrunch

Is Bitcoin Happening? – TechCrunch

Submitted January 10, 2016 at 06:15AM by megazen
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Stanford University could bridge the Bitcoin skills gap with much-needed developers MOOC

Stanford University could bridge the Bitcoin skills gap with much-needed developers MOOC

Submitted January 10, 2016 at 12:16AM by Coinosphere
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BTC = binary option

BTC = binary option

Every now and then I'll stop by this sub-reddit to see what's going on in the world of Bitcoin. Always with a grain of salt though. Lots of fear, lots of lemmings, lots of losers and even fewer winners.

Regardless of what happens, in my very humble opinion (coming from an individual who is a level III candidate in the CFA program and has a 10+ year career in finance) Bitcoin is nothing more than a binary option play with infinite theta.

If you don't know what theta is, it is essentially the decay in the time value of an option, seriously go look it up. I've been trading options for a long time now and if you do it right and don't make idiotic plays, you lose small sums quite often; however, when Mr. Market is on your side you win big. I trade options for exposure to tail end event risks that create the type of volatility that you see with three and four sigma events.

Let me tell you this, I don't know as much about the technicalities of Bitcoin. I haven't been following the blocksize debate. I've read threads about foundation corruption, this programmer that programmer, OMG Satoshi was found by Newsweek, zomg CIA tactics, alt-coin this coin that coin, so on and so forth. You know what? I don't give a shit about any of it. If Bitcoin is truly anti-fragile, none of that shit will cause any lasting damage to it.

So while the majority of this sub-reddit and other forums are running around like lemmings with their respective heads cut off, towards the cliff of the week that will spell Bitcoin's doom, I've been steadily building a rather large position in Bitcoin across multiple addresses. I control all of the keys so come at me bitches.

Bitcoin is that five sigma event that comes around every ten-thousand years. If we're all wrong, then I've just lost my "binary option premium". No skin off my back since mentally every single dollar I've put into Bitcoin is already "lost"

For the amount of faith that all of you in this reddit have in Bitcoin and the impact it will have on the future if it is successful, it is rather amusing to me how big of a panic circle jerk you all get into when the price goes up or down $50.

Take a look at one of many address I control and every address I control has never had a single output. After all, what option trader would place a sell to close on an option that had infinite theta? I'd take that trade any of day of the week, only amateurs would be willing to sell that option.

"OMG don't tell people you own Bitcoin or they'll rob you!!!" Molon Labe biotch!

TL:DR * DCA into Bitcoin * Hodl * Control my own keys * Can't jack my coins * . * . * . * Profit!!!

Submitted January 10, 2016 at 04:31AM by hodlmehplox
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What $400 to $200,000 might realistically look like, logarithmically (courtesy of Berkshire Hathaway, who already made the journey).

What $400 to $200,000 might realistically look like, logarithmically (courtesy of Berkshire Hathaway, who already made the journey).

Submitted January 09, 2016 at 03:31PM by americanpegasus
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A morning walk in the neighborhood

A morning walk in the neighborhood

Submitted January 09, 2016 at 05:16PM by yeshe257
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Coinbase needs a TV ad, if it was for them I would even have any, I’m an idiot, we need idiots to lol.

Coinbase needs a TV ad, if it was for them I would even have any, I’m an idiot, we need idiots to lol.

Wasn't, wouldn't.


Submitted January 10, 2016 at 03:31AM by moose3000
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Introducing OXT, a tool for Exploratory Blockchain Analysis

Introducing OXT, a tool for Exploratory Blockchain Analysis

I've been working on a platform dedicated to the analysis of the bitcoin blockchain. The first application built on top of this plateform is OXT (the Other eXploration Tool):

OXT provides a set of statistics & interactive visual tools easing the exploration of the blockchain (interactive charts for drill down/filtering, transactions graph visualizer, …).

A few screenshots:

In addition, OXT computes a set of privacy-oriented metrics (address reuse, entropy of transactions, link probability between uxtos, temporal patterns of activity…) and uses a few heuristics allowing to cluster addresses controlled by a same entity.

The project is at an early stage but I hope its first features will be useful to the community. Feel free to send your feedback & suggestions !

Last but not least, OXT supports the Open Bitcoin Privacy Project in its mission to improve financial privacy within the Bitcoin ecosystem.



Submitted January 10, 2016 at 12:55AM by oxt_btc
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